Friday, February 11, 2011

Free Dresser


I scored these two pieces for FREE off craigslist! The man said his ex was a crazy b#&*h and he wanted her stuff outttttttttttaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa there! :) lol So, I was more than happy to accomodate his wishes!

First time being Featured :)

Thanks so much to before and after lovelies! I was featured with my china hutch and blue zebra desk! :)

Here is my favorite dining set ever! I think however, I was the only one! :( My mom said it looked like a zebra got into a fight with turquoise.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Queen Anne~Reading Table

I REALLY wanted to keep this set. That table was so much longer in person! Hard to let it go :)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Thursday, February 3, 2011

China Cabinet♥

 This project took FOREVER...and I mean forever! I loved the turnout though!


In display at Meghan's house! :)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Before And Afters :)


What do you think? It went to a sweet little girl for her seventh birthday!

My first Blog!

O.K. So I am just now learning how to do all this...but so far I think it looks pretty good! I am so excited to have a place to go and post all my pictures of before and afters! :) I am looking forward to seeing other peoples work and learning new things! :)